import statsmodels.api as sm
#from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportions_ztest
# params
# -----------------------------------
## count : the number of successes in nobs, <nobs
## nobs : the numbrer of trials
## value : null hypothesis(ex: p=0.54)
## alternative: [‘two-sided’, ‘smaller’, ‘larger’]
# -----------------------------------
# return
# -----------------------------------
## zstat : test statistic for the z-test
## p-value
# 당연하지만, number of trial가 커질 수록 p-value가 작아지며,
# 즉 null hypothesis가 위배될 가능성이 커짐.
for count in [100, 110, 120, 130]:
zstat, p_value = sm.stats.proportions_ztest(
count = count,
nobs = 200,
value =0.50,
alternative = 'larger'
print(f"count: {count}")
print(f"zstat : {zstat:.5f}, p_value: {p_value:.5f}")
count: 100
zstat : 0.00000, p_value: 0.50000
count: 110
zstat : 1.42134, p_value: 0.07761
count: 120
zstat : 2.88675, p_value: 0.00195
count: 130
zstat : 4.44750, p_value: 0.00000